Webinar: Using AI for Non-Profits

We’ve all seen the hype around chatGPT, Bard, Midjourney, and dozens of other AI-based tools recently, but how do you use them as a non-profit organization? 

Watch our free 15-minute webinar on using AI as a foundation to see three real-time use cases that could save your organization thousands of hours per year!

Using AI for Non-Profits

What You Get


AI Overview

What is the history of AI and why is everyone talking about it now? We’ll cover the key terms you need to know in 2023 to be ahead of your peers.


Real-Time Use Cases

Watch in real-time as we explore three different use cases that could save you hours every week and thousands of hours across your organization each year.


An AI Tech Stack

What tools should you be using as a non-profit employee? We cover some of the best tools of the trade that you can use today to become a better NFP leader.

AI for Non-Profits

How Does This
Help Me?

Watching our AI for Non-Profit webinar is the tip of the iceberg. While we don’t have time to cover every topic related to AI, LLMs, and the latest technology we can certainly guide you in the right direction and offer a starting point for becoming a better, more productive team member.

AI for Non-Profits

Who is this for?

Become the smartest team member in the room with your new-found AI knowledge and wow your boss with ways to save company time and money.


Tap into your data without the need for deep technical knowledge. Ask questions in plain English to deeply understand your donors habits, behaviours, and giving power.

Non-Profit Leaders

Empower your team to become more efficient in their day-to-day working environment. Cut down on admin time to have your team working on needle-moving tasks more often.

Grant Writers

Save hours pouring over the latest grant frameworks and appendices using chatGPT to your advantage. Save yourself time for what you do best, writing!

Get Your Free Download

Become a better team member today in just 15 minutes. 

You ask,
we answer

Why do you need this resource? How does it make you a better team member, office hero, or human?

This webinar was created to help non-profit employees and leaders become more efficient and embrace new technology. We’re at a pivotal point where we have untold information at our fingertips but knowing how to use it is key.

Well you’re in luck! We’ve run workshops for a variety of non-profits and would be happy to create a custom workshop for your team that meets your specific use cases. Contact the team to learn about how we can build a custom workshop just for your org.

To make a long story short, yes. AI is only as useful or detrimental as you make it. We’ve all been using AI for decades and it’s embedded in almost all the tech you use. Think Google Maps, Siri, Netflix, Microsoft Office, it’s everywhere!

You should read our weekly non-profit newsletter Keynotes. We cover the hottest topics in the NFP world including new tools, resources, leaders in the space, and more. All in under five minutes each week.

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